DeMoss Chiropractic Newport Beach

Weight Loss

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Weight Loss

At DeMoss Chiropractic, we can successfully assist you in a holistic and effective approach toward weight-loss. We seek to aid you in your journey toward optimal health and wellness, which includes pinpointing underlying problems that could be contributing to weight problems. Keep in mind, excess weight is often an indicator of other issues below the surface.

Our chiropractors can aid your weight-loss journey in various ways. First and foremost, chiropractic care seeks to free your spine from subluxations, which are misalignments that inhibit your nerves from functioning to their fullest capacity. A spine free of subluxations means an enhanced central nervous system. For weight-loss, this means better digestion and flexibility, thus allowing your hard-earned workouts and dietary changes to be even more effective. Regular chiropractic care can even allow your body to absorb nutrients better!

In conjunction with a balanced diet and regular exercise, DeMoss Chiropractic can locate and repair problem areas that could be contributing to your specific weight-related challenges.

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About Us

DeMoss Chiropractic is committed to your health, providing exceptional chiropractic care, weight loss, nutritional counseling and educational talks. Learn more about our committed and caring doctors of chiropractic.

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Specializing in the Following Areas:

  • Back Pain
  • Neck Pain + Whiplash
  • Migraines + Headaches
  • Pregnant Mothers
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Pediatric Health
  • Diet + Nutrition
  • Weight Loss
  • Fatigue
  • Tingling + Numbness
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Acid Reflux Disease
  • Asthma + Allergies
  • Postural Abnormalities
  • Mood + Stress


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Looking to make a change in your life? Want to live a long life without pain and disease? Take the first step towards complete wellness today.

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Learn how we can treat your pain and disease naturally, without medication or unnecessary procedures. Call to schedule a free consultation.

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