Our second annual Women, Wine, and Wellness event is free, open to the public, and will include food, drinks, social hour, shopping, and speakers! Seating is limited, so RSVP today by calling (949) 250-0600!
May 11th
5:30pm – Social hour, shopping, and food
6:30pm – Speakers
Jen Franco, CN, ACN on Balancing Hormones
Dr. Claire O’Neill on Avoiding Breast Cancer
Dr. Bill DeMoss on Chiropractic and Longevity
Dr. Stuart Titus on Cannabinoids and Health
Purify Your Home with Houseplants
From vehicle fumes to industrial pollutants, it’s clear that there are plenty of toxins outside of our homes. But that doesn’t mean toxins are absent from the house. Some toxins that contribute to the need for purification in your home include: cleaning products, chemical flame retardants, fragrances, formaldehyde, and toxins carried in your shoes or clothes. Here are a few plants that can help alleviate toxins in the air of your home.
Rubber Plant: The Rubber Plant is effective in removing formaldehyde from indoor air. It’s easy to grow or maintain, so if you don’t have a green thumb – this is a great solution for you! It can grow up to 8 feet tall in the correct environment.
Ferns: Ferns are a popular houseplant that is known for removing indoor air pollutants and adding humidity to indoor air.
Bamboo: Bamboo palms are effective at removing chemical contaminants from the air like formaldehyde and benzene. They also help to keep the air moist, which is especially helpful during winter months when heaters can produce overly dry indoor air.
At DeMoss Chiropractic, we host health and lifestyle workshops monthly that are meant to keep you informed and healthy. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter and check out our website for updates regarding upcoming health and wellness workshops held within our practice.
Chiropractic Provides Relief and Solutions for Headaches
Statistics reveal that more people complain about headaches than any other medical ailment. The most common type, a tension headache, plagues almost one in every six (16%) people on a regular basis. Millions of headache sufferers visit doctors with complaints of head pain each year. The most common therapy tends to be prescriptions for medication.
Powerful drugs do not address the cause of headaches. Medications focus on numbing the pain while inflicting risks of dangerous side effects on the entire body. People who suffer frequent headaches will simply experience another headache soon after the medicinal residue works through the blood stream. More medication enters the body with each headache to provide temporary relief while the long-term impact of the drugs creates stomach and intestinal issues such as ulcers, leaky gut syndrome, and irritable bowels.
Chiropractors provide relief and solutions to the cause of headaches. Chiropractic adjustments safely and effectively address subluxation, one of the most well-known causes of headaches. A subluxation forms from a small, subtle misalignment of one or more spinal vertebrae, creating disturbances in the central nervous system that leave a child or adult vulnerable to headache pain. The commonality of headaches leads millions of people to believe that normalcy exists within the cycle of pills and headaches. True health and healing exists by way of correcting the source of the pain rather than simply settling for regularly numbing the pain.
Headache pain does not originate in the brain. Headache pain stems from blood vessels, muscles, and nerves in the head and neck. Chiropractic gently realigns the vertebrae to improve function of the nervous system, reduce tension in the muscles, and increase blood flow. Chiropractors do not attempt to simply treat the pain in the head. A Chiropractic adjustment gets to the cause of many headaches by improving alignment and movement of the spine.
One of the greatest research experts of the past thirty years explored the anatomy and physiology of a headache in a report printed in a reputable medical journal. Research results linked every headache to an area in the neck. The research helped explained why Chiropractors achieve unique and favorable results for headache sufferers by gently adjusting the spine, especially in the upper neck, to improve function of the nervous system, muscles, and blood vessels.
Chiropractic effectively reduces and eliminates headache frequency by addressing the source of headache pain rather than simply masking discomfort with drugs. Chiropractic also functions with a track record of over 120 years of safe and effective results without dangerous side effects. Headaches take a powerful toll on quality of life. Every headache sufferer deserves a spine and nervous system evaluation to determine if a safe and effective solution exists. Painful and frequent headaches are not normal. The solution begins with understanding that Chiropractic provides a healthy and permanent alternative to pain and pharmaceutical drugs.
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy -1995
“Anatomy and physiology of headache.” N Bogduk
This Blog Post was provided by The Chiropractic Advocate
Thank You Dry Farm Wines
Dry Farm Wines was kind enough to provide the wine for our second annual Women, Wine, and Wellness event on Thursday, May 11th.
We were excited to have Dry Farm Wines at our event because they share our values and have the highest standards for their natural, organic, and delicious wines. 99% of the wine consumed in the US is a highly processed factory product. Dry Farm Wines is different because it is the only natural, lab-tested, health quantified wine club in the world. Not to mention, their wines are sugar free, low sulfites, organic, paleo-friendly, and gluten-free. They promise no hangovers, additives, and brain fog.
Visit their website and learn more about their organic wine club at https://www.dryfarmwines.com!