Dry Farm Wines was kind enough to provide the wine for our second annual Women, Wine, and Wellness event on Thursday, May 11th.
We were excited to have Dry Farm Wines at our event because they share our values and have the highest standards for their natural, organic, and delicious wines. 99% of the wine consumed in the US is a highly processed factory product. Dry Farm Wines is different because it is the only natural, lab-tested, health quantified wine club in the world. Not to mention, their wines are sugar free, low sulfites, organic, paleo-friendly, and gluten-free. They promise no hangovers, additives, and brain fog.
Visit their website and learn more about their organic wine club at https://www.dryfarmwines.com!
Health Benefits of Avocados!
Avocados have a unique nutrient profile – where most fruit predominantly contain carbs, avocados are high in healthy fats. Avocados are a staple in any Californian’s diet and today we are going to dive into the benefits of this delicious fruit! And yes, it’s a fruit.
Nutritious – There are many varieties of avocados. The most popular is the Hass avocado, which is available throughout the year. Twenty vitamins and minerals are packed into a single avocado, including 26% of the RDA for Vitamin K, 20% for Folate, and 17% for Vitamin C. That’s just in one avocado! Although it contains 9 grams of carbs, 7 of those are fiber so there are only 2 “net” carbs, making it a low-carb friendly plant food. They also contain no cholesterol or sodium.
More Potassium than bananas! Potassium is a critical nutrient that many people are not getting enough of. Potassium helps maintain electrical gradients in the body’s cells and serves various important functions. The average avocado contains 14% of the RDA (recommended daily amount) for Potassium while a banana only contains 10% even though they are often considered the holy grail of high potassium foods.
Heart Healthy – Avocados are filled with heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids. The majority of the fat in avocado is oleic acid. This is a monounsaturated fatty acid that is also the major component in olive oil – which is believed to be the reason for its beneficial effects. Oleic acid has been linked to reduced inflammation and been shown to have effects on the genes linked to cancer.
What more could you ask for in a food? Keep up with the workshops we host throughout the month to learn more about nutrition and healthy eating!
Steven Shears: A Testimonial
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Steven Shears: A Testimonial
“My name is Steven Shears and I met Billy DeMoss at South Coast Plaza while working at a clothing store. He quickly invited me to come into his office for an evaluation. I spoke to him about my health when we met later that week. I was impressed by his genuine concern about my wellbeing and health. I didn’t know much about chiropractic before I went in for my evaluation, I figured it was mostly for sports injuries, car accident victims, or those with chronic back pain. However, after my evaluation I quickly realized that chiropractic is for everyone.
Many of the things Dr. DeMoss taught me when we initially met intrigued me. I wanted some of my chronic health problems to go away and I wanted to be healthier overall. I was regularly experiencing terrible headaches, awful allergies, and would commonly succumb to the seasonal flu or cold. I had poor posture and would get back pain very often.
I am happy to report that all of those symptoms are gone. Whether you believe you’re healthy or unhealthy, we all have a lot to learn about our health. Billy can show you how to live a healthier lifestyle.
Getting routine adjustments instead of waiting for an injury to occur is the best solution.
Be proactive, not reactive. Utilize the energy and knowledge within DeMoss Chiropractic to become a stronger and healthier person. Even if I don’t see Billy as often as I’d like to, I can always hear him in the back of my head saying, “Don’t eat that!” “Go get some fresh air and take a walk!” “Do your neck exercises!”
DeMoss Chiropractic has motivated me to be healthier and spread the message of what chiropractic care can do. Spread the great energy!”
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Prop 64: Understanding the Basics!
California voted yes on Prop 64 in November. So, what does this mean? Well, Prop 64 legalized marijuana and hemp for recreational use, though it has been legal for medicinal use for several years. Some citizens who were against the passage of Prop 64 were vocal about their concerns regarding who could purchase it and how it is used in the public sphere. Prop 64 took this into consideration, making it illegal for those under 21 (similar to tabacco sales). Moreover, it can’t be smoked in public and users cannot drive while high or give it to minors. Commercial pot growers will be licensed and there will be regulations on labeling, packaging, and marketing the substance.
Californians who do not possess a medical marijuana card may not be abe to legally purchase pot from dispensaries until the second part of Prop 64 goes into effect on January 1st 2018.
Some things to look out for in the coming years. What will be Prop 64’s influence on the drug cartels — will it strengthen or weaken them? Will this Prop allow prime-time television ads for marijuana? If you object to this; consider what makes it different than beer advertisements? Just some things to keep in mind.
It’s important to stay educated on relevant natural health topics. At DeMoss Chiropractic, we host health and lifestyle workshops monthly that are meant to keep you informed and healthy. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter and check out our website for updates regarding upcoming health and wellness workshops held within our practice.
Women, Wine, and Wellness!
Our second annual Women, Wine, and Wellness event is free, open to the public, and will include food, drinks, social hour, shopping, and speakers! Seating is limited, so RSVP today by calling (949) 250-0600!
May 11th
5:30pm – Social hour, shopping, and food
6:30pm – Speakers
Jen Franco, CN, ACN on Balancing Hormones
Dr. Claire O’Neill on Avoiding Breast Cancer
Dr. Bill DeMoss on Chiropractic and Longevity
Dr. Stuart Titus on Cannabinoids and Health