DeMoss Chiropractic Newport Beach


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Our Mission

Our mission at DeMoss Chiropractic is to empower people to fully express their innate abilities to thrive and heal through comprehensive health education and skillfully administered chiropractic care. We are confident that chiropractic care is right for you, and it can lead to many health benefits aside from just pain relief.

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Dr. Billy DeMoss

Dr. Billy DeMoss is the owner and lead chiropractor at DeMoss Chiropractic.  His goal as a chiropractor is to educate and empower people with an understanding of how the human body functions so that wise decisions can be made about their health and well-being. Dr. Billy lives and works to encourage people to lead healthier and happier lives. He believes the greatest wealth of all is health.

He graduated from Los Angeles College of Chiropractic in 1985 and is certified in Chiropractic Spinal Trauma and BioPhysics.

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Dr. Joe DeMoss

Dr. Joe DeMoss’s goal as a chiropractor is to teach people how the body functions so they can reach their optimum health and potential. He believes in working with patients to make health their first priority.

Dr. Joe graduated from Los Angeles College of Chiropractic in December 1993.   He did his undergrad at California State University Fullerton.


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Dr. Steve Morita

Dr. Steve Morita chose to be a doctor of chiropractic because he honors the inborn ability of every person to be truly healthy. He has a heart for those who have been misguided by the mainstream health care system. He chooses to care for the patient, not just their symptoms. Everyday Dr. Steve witnesses miracles through the science, art, and philosophy of chiropractic care.

Dr. Steve graduated from Los Angeles College of Chiropractic in December 1988.


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Specializing in the Following Areas:

  • Back Pain
  • Neck Pain + Whiplash
  • Migraines + Headaches
  • Pregnant Mothers
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Pediatric Health
  • Diet + Nutrition
  • Weight Loss
  • Fatigue
  • Tingling + Numbness
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Acid Reflux Disease
  • Asthma + Allergies
  • Postural Abnormalities
  • Mood + Stress


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Looking to make a change in your life? Want to live a long life without pain and disease? Take the first step towards complete wellness today.

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Learn how we can treat your pain and disease naturally, without medication or unnecessary procedures. Call to schedule a free consultation.

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