DeMoss Chiropractic Newport Beach

Sitting is the New Smoking: A Standing Desk Review

Dr. Bill often informs his patients that sitting is the new smoking.

Studies show that our constant habit of sitting during long hours at works aren’t the way our bodies are made to function. Our ancient ancestors were always on the move! There are apps available to remind constant sitters to take a five minute walking break, but there is a blossoming trend which is a fantastic alternative to prolonged sitting – standing desks.

Standing desks aren’t new, many notable minds have used standing desks for centuries – including Leonardo Da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, Winston Churchill, and Ernst Hemingway.

Standing desks are correlated with raised productivity, weight loss, the ease of back pain, and increased energy. Though standing desks can be more costly than a standard desk, buying one for an office space or home can be a great investment in your health.

Flexispot was kind enough to send us a standing desk to review for this blog post. What makes Felxispot unique is how their model can be placed atop a standard desk and adjusted based on the user’s height. Not to mention, the user has the option to shift the desk to a low setting, allowing a chair to be used as needed.

After two weeks, I’ve found the Flexispot to be a great addition to my office space. The size of the desk allows me to comfortably use my desktop screen and laptop simultaneously while having my planner sprawled for easy reference.

If I ever feel the need to sit, which is surprisingly less than I expected, I can simply adjust the desk to its lowest setting with ease. The hydraulics make the downward movement slow and quiet. As the only office staffer without a standing desk until now, I can see what I’ve been missing and encourage others to consider a standing desk for themselves and their employees.

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