DeMoss Chiropractic Newport Beach

Understanding the Facts About Fevers

Anything that reflects the slightest thing wrong for a child will cause concern in a parent. A fever, for example, is one of the primary reasons that parents will call their child’s pediatrician. Yet, the truth is, what many of us have been told is a low grade fever is a natural body temperature for some children.

Simply put, our body’s first line of defense when invaded by any microbe, virus or bacteria is going to be cells called microphages; a strong, healthy immune system may be able to eliminate the problem with this first step alone. If these fail to contain the “bug” then the body creates other pyrogens and proteins to try to assist. Once these have been created the hypothalamus in the brain recognizes that there is an invader and raises the body temperature to assist in killing it off. This raised temperature will generally be just a couple of degrees, but the hypothalamus determines, based on the number of pyrogens and proteins, what will be necessary to eliminate the bug. If the hypothalamus creates additional biochemicals to try to protect the body then the temperature raises accordingly.

The best response to a fever below 104.5°F for children over the age of 3 years is lots of rest and clear fluids. Since the fever will cause your child to sweat they will lose sodium and water which must be replaced with proper fluids. This does not include Gatorade or other sugary sports drinks.

DeMoss Chiropractic recognizes and supports the body’s natural ability to fight off infection. The immune system, like all other bodily systems, is controlled by the central nervous system via the spinal cord, which is housed in the spine. Your chiropractor helps keep the spine aligned allowing messages to travel without interruption from the brain to the rest of the body. A fever is, quite simply, a natural part of your child’s immune system. When it is functioning at it’s absolute best, your child’s body will fight off most foreign invaders so swiftly that they will have no outward effect at all. However, when necessary your child’s immune system will raise their temperature to create a hostile environment for that invader. It’s how a properly functioning body functions.

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