DeMoss Chiropractic Newport Beach

Heatwave 2017: About & How to Prepare

The National Weather Service is predicting some abnormal temperatures this summer. It’s important to know about the upcoming heatwaves and how to prepare yourself and your family. 

First, the details. There will be a large contrast between Inland temperatures and the coast. If you’re near or on the coast, summer temperatures will rise a few degrees some days. However, the more inland you are, the higher temperatures will get – upwards of 12 degrees.

What can you do to stay safe? Drink lots of water. Tone down on alcohol consumption on hotter days since it promotes dehydration. Limit exercise during peak heat hours – opting for early or late hours of the day. Make sure your vehicle is in good shape to precent breakdowns and pack water in your car just in case. Check the weather app on your phone before leaving for the day.

To learn more about staying safe in the sun throughout the year, be sure to RSVP for Dr. Joe’s Sun Smart workshop July 26th at 5:30pm. All Cherry will be a guest speaker and dinner will be provided. RSVP today by calling (949) 250-0600 or reserving your spot here.

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